Arbor: State Diagram Editor  2.2.0
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Arbor Namespace Reference


class  AddBehaviourMenu
 Attribute that specifies the name of at AddBehaviour menu. More...
class  AddCalculatorMenu
 Attribute that specifies the name of at AddBehaviour menu. More...
class  AgentController
 AI for the movement component that wraps the NavMeshAgent. More...
class  AnimatorBoolParameterReference
 A reference to the Boolean parameter of Animator. More...
class  AnimatorFloatParameterReference
 A reference to the float parameter of Animator. More...
class  AnimatorIntParameterReference
 A reference to the int parameter of Animator. More...
class  AnimatorParameterReference
 Reference Animator parameters. More...
class  AnimatorTriggerParameterReference
 A reference to the Boolean parameter of Animator. More...
class  ArborFSM
 Core part of Arbor. More...
class  ArborFSMInternal
 Internal class of Arbor.ArborFSM. More...
class  AttributeHelper
 A helper class for Attribute. More...
class  BehaviourHelp
 Attribute that specifies the URL to be displayed from the Help button of StateBehaviour. More...
class  BehaviourTitle
 Attribute that specifies the title to display the StateBehaviour. More...
class  Bezier2D
 Class to handle the two-dimensional cubic Bezier More...
class  BoolParameterReference
 Reference Bool parameters. More...
class  BoundsParameterReference
 Reference Bounds parameters. More...
class  BuiltInBehaviour
 Attributes that define the built-in Behaviour. More...
class  BuiltInCalculator
 Attributes that define the built-in Calculator. More...
class  BuiltInComponent
 Attributes that define the built-in Component. More...
class  Calculator
 Class that defines the behavior of the State. More...
class  CalculatorBranch
 Line class that connects the calculator node to each other. More...
class  CalculatorHelp
 Attribute that specifies the URL to be displayed from the Help button of StateBehaviour. More...
class  CalculatorNode
 Class that represents a calculator More...
class  CalculatorSlot
 Slot for connecting a calculator node. More...
class  CalculatorTitle
 Attribute that specifies the title to display the StateBehaviour. More...
class  CommentNode
 Class that represents a comment More...
class  EachField
 Find each serializable field More...
class  FixedImmediateTransition
 Setting the StateLink is in a state of fixing an immediate transition flags. More...
class  FlexibleBool
 Class to handle a flexible bool type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleBounds
 Class to handle a flexible Bounds type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleFloat
 Class to handle a flexible float type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleGameObject
 Class to handle a flexible GameObject type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleInt
 Class to handle a flexible int type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleQuaternion
 Class to handle a flexible Quaternion type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleRect
 Class to handle a flexible Rect type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleRectTransform
 Class to handle a flexible RectTransform type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleRigidbody
 Class to handle a flexible Rigidbody type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleRigidbody2D
 Class to handle a flexible Rigidbody2D type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleString
 Class to handle a flexible bool type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleTransform
 Class to handle a flexible Transform type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleVector2
 Class to handle a flexible Vector2 type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FlexibleVector3
 Class to handle a flexible Vector3 type reference method there is more than one. More...
class  FloatParameterReference
 Reference Float parameters. More...
class  GameObjectParameterReference
 Reference GameObject parameters. More...
class  GlobalParameterContainer
 Class dealing with the accessible ParameterContainer even across the scene. More...
class  GlobalParameterContainerInternal
 Class dealing with the accessible ParameterContainer even across the scene. More...
class  GroupNode
class  HideBehaviour
 The attributes you do not want to display to AddBehaviour menu. More...
class  InputSlot
 Input slot More...
class  InputSlotBool
 bool type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotBounds
 Bounds type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotCollider
 Collider type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotCollider2D
 Collider2D type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotCollision
 Collision type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotCollision2D
 Collision2D type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotComponent
 Component type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotFloat
 float type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotGameObject
 GameObject type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotInt
 int type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotQuaternion
 Quaternion type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotRaycastHit
 RaycastHit type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotRaycastHit2D
 RaycastHit2D type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotRect
 Rect type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotRectTransform
 RectTransform type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotRigidbody
 Rigidbody type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotRigidbody2D
 Rigidbody2D type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotString
 string type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotTransform
 Transform type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotVector2
 Vector2 type of input slot More...
class  InputSlotVector3
 Vector3 type of input slot More...
class  IntParameterReference
 Reference Int parameters. More...
class  Node
 Base class of a node in Arbor Editor More...
class  OutputSlot
 Output slot More...
class  OutputSlotBool
 bool type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotBounds
 Bounds type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotCollider
 Collider type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotCollider2D
 Collider2D type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotCollision
 Collision type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotCollision2D
 Collision2D type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotComponent
 Component type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotFloat
 float type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotGameObject
 GameObject type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotInt
 int type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotQuaternion
 Quaternion type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotRaycastHit
 RaycastHit type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotRaycastHit2D
 RaycastHit2D type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotRect
 Rect type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotRectTransform
 RectTransform type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotRigidbody
 Rigidbody type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotRigidbody2D
 Rigidbody2D type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotString
 string type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotTransform
 Transform type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotVector2
 Vector2 type of output slot More...
class  OutputSlotVector3
 Vector3 type of output slot More...
class  Parameter
 Class of Parameter to be stored in the ParameterContainer. More...
class  ParameterContainer
Is used by attaching to GameObject. More...
class  ParameterContainerBase
 Base class to identify the ParameterContainer More...
class  ParameterContainerInternal
 ParameterContainer. More...
class  ParameterReference
 Reference parameters. More...
struct  ProfilerScope
 Disposable helper class that manages the Profiler.BeginSample / EndSample. More...
class  QuaternionParameterReference
 Reference Bool parameters. More...
class  RectParameterReference
 Reference Rect parameters. More...
class  RectTransformParameterReference
 Reference RectTransform parameters. More...
class  Rigidbody2DParameterReference
 Reference Transform parameters. More...
class  RigidbodyParameterReference
 Reference Transform parameters. More...
class  ScriptableSingleton
 Class that the ScriptableObject to Singleton. More...
class  State
 Class that represents the state More...
class  StateBehaviour
 Class that defines the behavior of the State. More...
class  StateLink
 Class that contains a transition destination State. More...
class  StringParameterReference
 Reference String parameters. More...
class  TransformParameterReference
 Reference Transform parameters. More...
class  Vector2ParameterReference
 Reference Vector2 parameters. More...
class  Vector3ParameterReference
 Reference Vector3 parameters. More...


enum  SlotType { Input, Output }

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum SlotType